This came in my email today, and it is such an achievement by a West Coast weaver that I wanted to share in the excitement!
“… I couldn’t resist sending the invitation. I’m not only honoured to be one of the artists selected to be in this exhibition, I was also selected by the juror (Lee Talbot, one of the curators at the Textile Museum, Washington, DC) as one of the two recipients of the Tietlebaum Trust Awards. AND – then – the Dairy Barn selected my tapestry as the illustration on the invitation. I’m thrilled!”
Linda Wallace
Visual Artist: Tapestry & Graphite Drawings
Nanoose Bay, BC
Hello Andree,
I just came across this, and I would like to belatedly say, “Thank You” for you kind coverage of ATB9 and my work. Over a year – and, I just found this. Just goes to show, one should ‘google’ oneself more often Many thanks for your interest in my work. Linda
Your work is outstanding, Linda, no wonder it made the cover!
And yes, one should Google oneself often enough to spot how well our work “travels” the Internet (smile).