Mayne Queen Ferry, coming down Navy Channel. Southern Gulf Islands, BC. Photo by Andrée Fredette

Boats on the water – Photo Wednesday

This Wednesday, my post is about the water… and boats.

(Above: The header photo shows the Mayne Queen, the trusty ferry that serves the Southern Gulf Islands in BC. It is on its way through Navy Channel, with Mayne Island on the right, and North Pender island on the left. The clouds were nicely hugging the islands’ curves that day…)


Wave patterns on Plumper Sound, Southern Gulf Islands. Photo by Andrée Fredette

Above: Looking down at the water, from the top of Warburton Pike (the highest place on Saturna Island), the waves created by boats echo off each other, in the narrow space of Plumper Sound, between Saturna and Pender islands. They create a moiré effect. A bit like the splashing in a bathtub…

And below, another shot of the Mayne Queen, our link to civilization… on its way to Saturna island…


Mayne Queen ferry on Navy Channel, on its way to Saturna Island, BC. Photo by Andrée Fredette