Tag Archives: flowers

She waits patiently…

Spider on her web. Photo, Andrée Fredette

The web queen. She worked that web between trees and is adding finishing touches. I am happy I saw her before I walked through it.

Some of her colleagues adopt a different approach. They lie in wait on a flower, for example. No nets for them.

Crab spider on a lily flower. Photo, Andrée Fredette

I was fascinated by this one. It even has a pink marking on its abdomen, to better camouflage itself. Impressive. For five days, I returned to this lily and check on the spider’s hunt.

And bingo! On day two, it got a bee. The spider spent a lot of effort dragging this victim around the edge of the petal and under it, in order to package it in silk… for later consumption, I guess. This took several hours and I returned every two or three hours, to check on her progress…

So it goes. As my grandchildren would say, “that’s the circle of life”.

Bloom portraits

Getting down in the grass, I discovered a Lilliputian world…

Lilliput world in the grass. Photo © Andrée Fredette

Springtime flowers are so fresh to winter-weary eyes…

Fawn Lily (Erythronium oregonum) with rain drops. Photo © Andrée Fredette

Above: the sun shines on recent rain drops. This is the back side of a Fawn lily (Erythronium oregonum), a wildflower blooming on the shores of Saturna Island, BC.


Rosemary in bloom. Photo © Andrée FredetteMy rosemary has been blooming for months, and I keep trying to get the perfect shot of its fine flowers.


Garden bloom. Photo © Andrée Fredette

I forget the name of this spring beauty, its white blooms just punctuate the garden right now.

Muscari and daffodil corona. Macro photography © Andrée Fredette

Contrasting the vibrant blue of grape hyacinth (Muscari ) and the orange corolla of a daffodil.

White bloom, macro photography © Andrée FredetteAn azalea blossom, in close-up.

Daffodial corona detail shot. Macro photography © Andrée FredetteThe edge of a daffodil corona, almost abstract.

And to close this post, a portrait of a tiny visitor in the sedum:

Pacific tree frog. Macro photography © Andrée FredetteSay hello to the Pacific tree frog (Pseudacris regilla), enjoying the sunshine in the rock garden. It’s been a long winter.

A friend’s garden – Photo Wednesday

Above: one of the outdoor “rooms” a friend created in her garden.

I explored a friend’s garden last week. An oasis, really.

Magnolia sieboldii. Photo by Andrée FredetteThis is a garden where, wherever you turn, a new treasure awaits. Few blossoms, however, hold the magical effect of Magnolia sieboldii, above. In that garden, the tree has attained a sizeable presence.

There is a clematis collection.

Clematis, lush growth. Photo by Andrée FredetteHere, it helps to define the entrance to the vegetable patch.


Clematis Close-up. Photo by Andrée FredeteI got up close and personnal…

And around the corner, another clematis clamours for attention…

Clematis with lush colour. Photo by Andrée FredetteLike a piece of flashy jewelry.

And there were still rhododendrons, finishing their season…

White rhododendron. Photo by Andrée FredetteLike this virginal white version.

And to conclude, here is an intimate look at a peony.

Intimate look at a peony. Photo by Andrée FredetteI can’t begin to describe the fragrance… Just imagine.

My garden – Photo Wednesday

Above: it’s the beginning of poppy season in my garden. I have let a wide strip of them colonize a sunny corner, and they reward me year after year.

Longer days, more sunlight, warm weather. This adds up to flowers in the garden. And many jobs every day.

Bee on rosemany, photo by Andrée Fredette

One worker bee, cleaning out the rosemary.

Whenever I step outside, I notice a loud buzzing in the neighbourhood… It comes from the arbutus trees, which are covered in blooms, but also from every plant that is flowering around here. Bees are everywhere. We have no shortage of bees on Saturna Island, I can vouch for that!

Surprise bloom in thhe garden. Photo by Andrée Fredette

Above: a mystery white one that is now multiplying in my rock garden.  (Note: a mystery no more, this white cutie is Star of Bethlehem or Ornithogalum umbellatum.  Many thanks to Patrick, who helped identify this beautiful spring bloom, and warned of its tendency to multiply vigorously.)

Since we fenced the garden in front, I am discovering new plants… They were either planted by the previous owners, or are wildflowers that now have a chance to bloom (before the fence, the deer and goats would just mow everything to golf-green condition…).

Inside the fence mystery plant. Photo by Andrée Fredette

Above: Little blue one, inside the fence mystery (Edit: mystery now resolved: this is Naked broomrape (Orobranche uniflora) a wildflower that appeared in the rock garden. A tiny treasure that is only two inches tall. I have not seen it outside the fence, anywhere on this island, probably due to deer and goat grazing.

Rock roses with bird bath. Photo by Andrée Fredette

Above: rock roses (Cistus) are starting to bloom and will keep going for a month or so. It’s a colourful party by the bird bath.

And I finish with my new “baby”, a rhododendron purchased on a whim. I found a shady spot, and piled a lot of dirt, sea soil, compost, and mulch in a good-sized mound to accommodate the rhodo. Let us hope it survives…

Rhododendron bloom. Photo by Andrée Fredette

I salute gardeners everywhere, with my very rough-looking hands and questionable fingernails (smile). May your compost bring you good results!