Tag Archives: fog

Between rain showers

It’s good to take quick walks between rain showers. Really quick walks. They help digest all that rich, festive holiday food…

Salt Marsh at Goldstream, Vancouver Island, BC. Photo by Andrée Fredette

You can visit with the geese, on the salt marsh trail…


Hikers on a foggy trail, Saturna Island, BC. Photo by Andrée Fredette

Or bravely tag along with energetic friends, on a foggy trail that goes up to the top of the mountain.


Fog on the ridge, Vancouver Island. Photo by Andrée Fredette

Or march up a ridge with a backpack… Definitely not a quick outing, that. But so beautiful!


Droplets in the fog. Photo by Andrée Fredette


And on those walks or hikes, my eyes always roam, hunting for details, like this droplet jewelry.


Solo walk on the beach, Wickaninnish Beach, Vancouver Island, BC. Photo by Andrée Fredette

And on that last photo, I loved the bright red jacket of that solo walker on Wickaninnish Beach, on the west side of Vancouver Island.

The fog, the rain, they don’t keep some of us indoors… At least, not all the time.