Stitched detail, Seaweed Exuberance. Quilt by Andrée Fredette

Accent on Green — Small quilts on show

A series of small quilts on display at the Saturna Café, until December 7.

Inspired by the emerald world that surrounds us on this island, Ellen Bourassa and I chose a green theme for this group of quilts, currently on display at the Saturna Café.

Ellen’s pieces are distinctive because she chose black and white as a backdrop to highlight her green elements. Her strict palette showcases high contrast and strong lines, both in her design choices and texturing style.

Quilts created by Ellen Bourassa and Andrée Fredette, on display at the Saturna Café until December 7.

As for me, I’ve returned to sewing and rediscovered the joy of texture after a long hiatus during which I focused on photography and gardening. These new quilts offer a fantasy view of greenery both topside and underwater. They are an excuse to stitch away and play with flow, interpreting the wind on foliage and water currents on seaweeds and kelps.

There are more quilts in process on my design table. #inspired